Let’s face it, living in the Midwest has it’s weather related challenges. It gets hot in the summer and cold in the winter and that can take a toll on our homes and our health. Our weatherization program is designed to help people prepare and maintain their homes (either owned or rented) for all types of weather. In addition, the program helps people reduce energy cost and usage.
About The Program
The Low Income Weatherization Program was mandated by Congress to reduce the effect of higher heating costs of low income families and to cut energy consumption nationwide. JobSource provides weatherization services for Madison, Grant, Howard and Tipton counties in Indiana.
Eligible households may receive work on their home which will reduce energy consumption. Typical services include: inspections, service to gas appliances, insulation, air sealing, and sometimes replacement of heating systems and hot water heaters.
A professional energy audit assessment of each home and its energy use is completed. Actual Weatherization measures are determined by the results of the energy audit. The Client Education Program provides suggestions for energy saving practices.
Funding is provided through the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority. The Weatherization Program is a federally funded program (through US Department of Energy and Low Income Household Energy Assistance Program-LIHEAP).
Moisture and mold prevention and control tips:
Clean and repair gutters and downspouts regularly.
Make sure the ground slopes away from the house’s foundation so that water does not enter or collect around the foundation.
Keep air-conditioning drip pans clean and the drain lines unobstructed and flowing properly.
Keep indoor humidity reasonable, ideally between 30 and 50 percent.
If you see condensation or moisture collecting on windows, walls, or pipes—act quickly to dry the wet surface and reduce the indoor moisture level or eliminate the water source.
Vent appliances that produce moisture to the outside.
Use air conditioners and/or dehumidifiers when needed.
Run the bathroom exhaust fan or open the window when showering. Use exhaust fans or open windows when cooking or running the dishwasher, etc.
Cover cold surfaces with insulation.
Increase the indoor air temperature.
Basic facts about lead and your health:
Lead is especially dangerous to children under six years of age.
Can affect children’s brains and developing nervous systems.
Reduced IQ and learning disabilities.
Both homeowners and renters are eligible. To be eligible to have your home weatherized, your household income must not exceed 200% of Federal Poverty Guidelines (see chart below). For apartment buildings to be weatherized, two-thirds of the occupants must be eligible for the program.
Because Energy Assistance clients are at 150% or below the Federal Poverty Guidelines, approved EAP applicants are automatically placed on the waiting list for Weatherization, and services are offered to EAP participants based on federal and state priority system.
Funding is limited.
Repair water leaks inside the home quickly.
Would You Like to Learn More?
You can contact Weatherization and speak directly to Brandon Morris about an application.
Phone: 765-646-9276 ext. 5509
Email: brandon.morris@madisoncounty.in.gov